How to integrate your Treez POS

Once synced, the Treez API will integrate your product inventory to your Where's Weed profile in real-time.

Prepare your inventory in Treez

  • Before integrating, ensure your product inventory is up-to-date with accurate titles, descriptions and imagery.
  • Next, confirm pricing is accurate for all listed products.
  • Note: Products marked as inactive within Treez will not be displayed on your business’ profile page on Where's Weed.

Locate your Treez Credentials

  1. Locate your Treez dispensary name.
    This can be found from the first section of your Treez portal URL. Example:

  2. Request your Treez API Key

Integrate Treez on Where's Weed

  1. Visit to login to your account.
  2. Once logged in, click “My Businesses” from your account dropdown.
  3. From the business menu, click on “Menu Settings”
  4. Click on the Treez logo
  5. Enter your Treez name from the portal URL and your API key. Click "Save"